School Dental Exams in Arlington Heights, IL

Before you send your child back to school, a dental visit might be in store for them to be certain that they can put their best foot (and this biggest smile) forward to start the new year. Many schools require back-to-school dental exams. However, even if your child’s school doesn’t, it’s important that you bring your child in. Even if they don’t yet have all their permanent teeth, poor oral hygiene at a young age can contribute to unhealthy gums later.

Additionally, there are usually a lot more treats around during the summer break and, when school gets back in session, it can prove extremely beneficial to have your child’s oral health status checked by a professional to be sure that they have been flossing and brushing as they’re supposed to be. Your children’s dentist will be able to spot any potential issues ahead of time and help you avoid an emergency trip to the dentist later on by spotting cavities and other aspects that could lead to a toothache or more serious issue.

The pediatric dentist will also take a peak to be certain that things are looking good over the long-term. This will include checking your child’s bite alignment, checking that teeth are coming in straight and strong, and looking at their gum health. All of these things will contribute to them having a healthy smile as an adult.

No matter how well your child brushes and flosses, at-home maintenance care cannot compare to a professional dental cleaning that uses the knowledge and tools of a trained hygienist. When your child stops by for their visit, their teeth will get the deep cleaning they need to continue thriving. The hygienist will also take a close look at the surfaces of your child’s teeth so that they can spot potential issues early on.

If your child needs a school dental exam in Arlington Heights before school starts, contact our office today and schedule an appointment.


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